OHS Home

840 S. Fairmont Avenue Suite 9 Lodi CA 95240

OHS – Occupational Health Services, Lodi CA

Helping Lodi Work in Good Health since 1990

Notice: due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most services are suspended indefinitely. We are currently offering only drug testing services as Central Medical Review in our new office, Suite 2 (at the same office complex)

Pre-employment physical evaluation

Examination by Occupational Physician (M.D.) and may include other OHS services bundled for efficiency and economy.

DOT Physical

Commercial Driver Medical Examinations for Trucking and Transit

Other Occupational Health Services and Exams

Other testing and services available include drug testing, respirator clearance, functional capacity “back evaluation”, baseline audiometry, Tb skin test, visual acuity testing, immune titers.

Workplace wellness

Respirator clearance, blood tests for pesticide monitoring, audiometer hearing test, drug-free workplace programs, vaccinations, spirometer pulmonary function testing, electrocardiogram.

Contact Us at Central Medical Review in Lodi

Click here for hours of operation, telephone, address, email, or send a message

Hablamos Espanol – fluently bilingual staff