OHS Services

Notice: due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most services are suspended indefinitely. We are currently offering only drug testing services.

Occupational Health Services is dedicated to safe and productive workplaces

  • Appropriate placement of workers is facilitated by consideration of the job description and assessment of candidates’ capabilities by an experienced Occupational Physician.
  • Mitigation of injury risk or exposure is accomplished by baseline evaluation and monitoring as required by various regulatory agencies. Onsite physician consultation is offered for workplace safety assessment and First Aid Kit approval.
  • Wellness education and activities include recommendations from the examining physician regarding nutrition, medications, exercise, and lifestyle. Vaccinations for influenza and hepatitis B are provided.

Pre-employment and Medical Monitoring Services

Physical Examination by Medical Doctor

At OHS, examinations include thorough discussion of a candidate’s past medical history and occupational experiences. The examination itself is quite thorough and tailored to the particular job under consideration.

Drugs Testing / Breath Alcohol Testing

Lifting Evaluation

Respirator Clearance

OSHA Respirator Questionnaire

Mandatory medical history for each employee.

Medical Examination for respirator use.

Depending on the responses to the questionnaire, examination by a Licensed Health Care Professional may be required.

Pulmonary Function Testing (Spirometry)

PFT, or Spirometry, is a breathing test which may be included in Respirator Clearance evaluations if the examining physician deems it necessary. Some employers require the test for all candidates. Onsite testing is available.

Audiometric Testing

Hearing test for baseline when starting with an employer, and periodically as may be required by OSHA or company policy.

TB skin testing and TB screens for educators, health care providers, students

  • Medical History and Physical Examination
  • Freedom from Disease Certification
  • Immune titer blood tests
  • Hepatits B and Influenza vaccinations

Cholinesterase testing – Pesticide Medical Supervision

For workers mixing or applying organophosphate or carbamate insecticides.

FAA BasicMed examination for private pilots

Federal Aviation Administration BasicMed Program is now in effect.

Shy Bladder assessment

Following DOT drug test with insufficient sample quantity.