Respiratory Protection Medical Clearance

OSHA Respiratory Protection Requirements

Federal Regulations in CFR 1910.134 require development of a Respiratory Protection Plan (RPP) and Medical Clearance if any employee is to use a Respirator as defined by OSHA. The employer must complete a RPP and provide a copy to the Licensed Health Care Professional (LHCP) reviewing the questionnaire.

Medical Evaluation for Respirator Use by employees

Respirator clearance for employees may include up to 3 steps.

For every employee required to use a respirator, or who chooses to wear such a device in the absence of any requirement, must be evaluated by a Licensed Health Care Professional (LHCP) such as a physician, PA or NP. This includes workers eligible to wear paper filter masks, half-mask or full-mask canister respirators, power-assisted or SCBA respirator devices.

Respirator Questionnaire

Each employee must complete a questionnaire, which is to be kept confidential. The completed form is sealed and then conveyed to the LHCP for review. You may download the questionnaire for your employees to complete:

Medical Examination for Respirator Use

Depending on the responses to the questionnaire, examination by a Licensed Health Care Professional (LCHP) may be required. At OHS, such an exam is performed by a Medical Doctor familiar with work requirements and employee health status.

Spirometric Testing

 PFT, or Spirometry, is a breathing test which may be included in Respirator Clearance evaluations if the examining physician deems it necessary. Some employers require the test for all candidates. Onsite testing is available.